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on Quality Dental Cabinetry!

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Provide high-quality dental cabinets at the most competitive price.

The cost to build, renovate, and/or remodel a dental practice with the latest in competitive technology and procedural offerings continues to rise. Budgets for dental cabinetry can reach $80,000 - $200,000 depending on the size and scope of the project.

Our solutions are designed to offer clinicians and practice owners the quality cabinetry they desire at a fraction of the cost of traditional offerings.

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START SAVING TODAY on Quality Dental Cabinetry!


    rear cabinet feature upper

    Rear Cabinets

    Simplistic forms combined with clean lines allow for superior function and workflow within the space.

    side cabinet feature

    Side Cabinets

    Our TR series cabinetry allows variable degrees of side supporting functionality when the job requires it.

    sterilization cabinet feature flip

    Sterilization Cabinets

    CDC guidelines drive our ST Series cabinet system's designs to keep the Sterilization in the Ideal workflow. 

    t-wall cabinet feature

    T-Wall Cabinets

    Our TW series cabinetry provides an ideal Handwash Station on T-shaped dividing walls.

    xray cabinet feature

    X-Ray Cabinets

    Our XA series cabinetry provides an ideal Pass-Through X-Ray storage solution allowing dual operatory usage by placing it into the wall. 

    in wall cabinet feature

    In-Wall Solutions

    Our SS series of Smart Storage cabinetry provides a unique In-Wall Solution to many operatory needs. 

    dispensers cabinet feature


    Our Wall-hung Upper Dispensers organizes necessities into a convenient and consistent location.


    ZuBarc's design team works directly with you and your team to develop and produce the cabinetry that will best suit your specific needs. 


    Get a FREE Comprehensive Consultation

    Increase Your Dental Workflow & Efficiency for 20-50% Less!